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Brazil Santos coffee beans

Brazil Santos coffee beans

Regular price $18.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.99 USD
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  1. Roasting Beans : Medium roast
  2. Tasting Profile of coffee: silky cup with hints of cocoa. Elegant and smooth coffee cup with cocoa notes.
  3. Variety of beans : Catuai and Mundo Novo
  4. Growering regions : Santo Antonio, Sao Francisco,, Fazenda Santa Barbara, Sao Paulo Brazil , Parana
  5. Altitude of bean growing :  750 to 1050 Meters
  6. Soil Type beans grown : Volcanic soil 
  7. Process: Pulped naturally and sun-dried

Every bean is freshly roasted in our state of the art coffee roster on the day we ship. 


A small story about these coffee beans

In the lush, sun-drenched hills of Brazil, where the rhythmic hum of nature is a constant companion, lies the story of Brazil Santos coffee beans. The tale begins in the verdant coffee-growing regions of the Santos province, a place renowned for its rich soil and ideal climate, which together create the perfect environment for coffee cultivation.

The journey of these coffee beans starts with the meticulous selection of the finest Arabica coffee plants. Farmers, with generations of knowledge etched into their hands, tend to the coffee trees with great care. Each tree is nurtured to produce cherries that are plump, vibrant, and full of promise. The beans inside these cherries are the heart of the story, destined for an exceptional coffee experience.

Once harvested, the beans undergo a careful processing method known as "pulped natural." This technique involves removing the outer layer of the coffee cherry, but leaving the mucilage, the sticky layer that surrounds the beans, intact during the drying process. The beans are spread out under the warm Brazilian sun, where they bask in golden rays that coax out their deep, complex flavors. The sun-drying process imbues the beans with a natural sweetness and smoothness, enhancing their inherent qualities.

As the beans dry, they absorb the essence of their surroundings. The sunlit warmth, the gentle breezes, and the fertile volcanic soil all contribute to their unique profile. When the beans are finally ready, they are carefully sorted and packaged, preserving their rich flavors for the journey from farm to cup.

Brazil Santos coffee beans are celebrated for their balanced flavor profile, featuring a smooth body with hints of chocolate and nuts, and a subtle, inviting sweetness. Every sip of a cup brewed from these beans carries with it a taste of Brazil’s vibrant landscape and the dedication of its coffee farmers. From the rolling hills to the bustling coffee markets, the story of Brazil Santos coffee beans is one of tradition, craftsmanship, and a deep-rooted love for exceptional coffee.


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